Victorian Custom Burgundy Morning Suit with Prince of Wales Waistcoat and Trousers CHAV006 Mario Moyano
  • Victorian Custom Burgundy Morning Suit with Prince of Wales Waistcoat and Trousers CHAV006 Mario Moyano
Victorian Custom Burgundy Morning Suit with Prince of Wales Waistcoat and Trousers CHAV006 Mario Moyano

Victorian Custom Burgundy Morning Suit with Prince of Wales Waistcoat and Trousers CHAV006 Mario Moyano

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Our Victorian Morning Suit in Bordeaux is a statement of sophisticated elegance, with coordinated satin contrasts. Paired with a waistcoat and trousers in red-striped Prince of Wales check, a lavender polka dot tie and pocket square, and a classic double cuff shirt, it offers an impeccable look for any formal occasion.

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Size: Send measures (Fill data below)
Production Time: Regular (90 days)
Complete your outfit: Suit

Our Victorian Morning Suit in Bordeaux is a masterpiece of style and refinement, featuring satin contrasts that add a touch of luxury to the high-quality fabric. The waistcoat and trousers in red-striped Prince of Wales check create an elegant harmony of colors and patterns. The lavender polka dot tie and pocket square add a touch of originality, while the classic double cuff shirt completes the ensemble with timeless class. Regardless of the event, whether it's a wedding, a gala, or an important formal occasion, our Victorian Morning Suit in Bordeaux will make you stand out with style and confidence. Add this exclusive garment to your wardrobe and get ready to make a fashion statement at every occasion.


Data sheet

Peak Lapel
Frock coat
Fabric Design
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